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386 St. Paul Street
L2R 3N2 St. Catharines

(289) 273-2393

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM
12:00 PM - 03:00 PM

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Emily Smith 31.07.2022
Very good
What an experience!!!!💗 I have never been to such a special restaurant before, and cannot recommend it highly enough!! Dispatch is a gem, in all that it offers and represents, it is hard to even know where to start. The food was incredible: the flavours were so complex, the ingredients so fresh, the attention to detail. We got to meet chef Gizem who was making the food that night, and she is just lovely and beyond talented and gifted at what she does. The drinks were so special and unique!!!! Again, the flavours were so complex, the ingredients so fresh, and the attention to detail!!! They were drinks to be sipped and savoured, they made you slow down and be mindful. I have never before experienced drinks like these, they were one of a kind! And desert!!!! Oh man, I'm salivating just thinking about it!!!! The people, they are lovely beyond lovely, and the word that just keeps coming up for me is special. Adam and Mike were so nice to speak to, they are so talented, passionate, and genuinely amazing people. This restaurant is so much more than just amazing food and staff, it supports the community, doing what they can to help others. How awesome is that!? And for a restaurant to still be doing whatever they can to spread goodness after enduring through a pandemic, which we are still enduring through the ripple effects. Dispatch is a living wage employer, being brave and doing something different from the majority of the industry, doing the right thing!!💗 In addition to the restaurant, they also have a beautiful store inside that sells gourmet food and drink items from around the world and creations made by Dispatch. They also had some really special items to support local and to support other businesses who are also doing what they can to make the world a better place. For example, Adam told us about these awesome t-shirts that support a local artist, Chance Mutuku, and these shirts have a great message! Or the amazing Mafia Tote Bags or Upcycled Market Tote Bags! The inside restaurant and the patio are lovely, the time and thought given to creating the space is so evident. The restaurant is aesthetically stunning, and the vibe of the restaurant is so comfortable!!!! It was the finest dining experience I have ever had, while also the most relaxed. Thank you guys for such a nice night out! Wish so much that we lived closer, but whenever we are anywhere near the St. Catharines area, we will 100% be coming in and so excited to come back:)

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