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Contact info

13425 71A Avenue
V3W 2L2 Surrey
British Columbia

(604) 594-1111

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24

Recent reviews on Yably

Zakiah Shana Dumansky 21.12.2022
Had an extremely horrible experience with Green cabs tonight. I understand tonight is a tough night due to the weather conditions so they are working hard. However I had to report two cab drivers as one said he would not take us because our fare would be too short. Another cab reeked like weed. The driver was swerving all over and talking on the phone the whole time, it felt extremely unsafe. We did not tip as he over charged us 1, on the terminal than what was on the meter and 2 because it was an unsafe ride. When we left the cab the driver drove back and shouted he needed my number because he was going to report me because we did not tip. I said that is unacceptable. When I tried to report him the lady on the phone said it was not the driver who was intoxicated and I need to understand the weather conditions (which of course I did). She kept making excuses for the driver, when I just wanted to be heard, then hung up on me. The worst customer service and safety conditions I’ve ever experienced. I hope this company improves its safety and LISTENS to their trusted customers. Hanging up on someone explaining a dangerous situation is extremely unprofessional. Super disappointed in this company that I’ve been using for years today. Completely unsafe and unprofessional today.
Farzad 23.08.2022
I called for a Van to pick up my family from Vancouver airport. The driver was reluctant to put our suitcases in the vehicle and he was extremely impolite and unprofessional. I called another Van from different company and I was so happy with the service. Called Delta Green Cab customer service to make a complaint and the dispatch manager did not address my complaint. Terrible customer service. Never use this company.

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