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Contact info

15355 Fraser Hwy
V3R 3P3 Surrey
British Columbia

(866) 987-6453

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Crista Herod 17.10.2022
I went last Sunday to this location. I bought couple items and I haven one return from previous day. I went to the cashier, I bought my stuff and told her I have one return she said for the return go to register 5. I wait in the Line again and I told cashier at register 5 that I would like to return than he said I can't do help for return. He said go to register 3. I was upset and disturbed like why should I go again and again different registered and wait gain to do my return. I don't usually shop from No Frill, this place is close to my house and decide to go for grocery shopping. I had worst experience and now decide not to go at this place again. Terrible customer service. I even don't like to give 1 star. I would rather go for zero rating to this place. Stores is not clean at all. My question is to the Manager that why you don't train your staff properly before you let your employee to work by their own.
V hughes 15.08.2022
This place is disgusting. Dealt with the worst customer service and when I asked to get a customer service number the cashier didn't know, which anyone who has ever worked retail knows that is an lie. Then, I asked to speak to a manager because the experience was awful and conveniently the person wasn't there (again, I don't believe it). Because of the incompetent customer service here, I lost a few items from my cart. I wish customer service skills were actually taught to staff. Even if company policies are backwards, as a worker it would be nice to come up with a solution instead of being rude. Just because the company policies are out of touch with reality, doesn't mean that customer service should be thrown out the window. I will be boycotting this location. Which is fine, because it lacks much of what I need and the prices aren't that great. I guess it's my fault for shopping at a cheap store and expecting anything but cheap, crappy service.

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