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9670 - 188 Street
V4N 1M9 Surrey
British Columbia

(778) 652 2852

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Recent reviews on Yably

Louise Brown 02.04.2023
We got a new heat pump installed last Aug and we’re told we would be eligible for the provincial and FEDERAL GRANTs. We received our provincial grant but when we applied for the Federal grant we were denied because the heat pump they installed was not on the eligibility list. After many attempts to get answers and many many promises and mixed mssages the admin office set up a separate line for customers we concerns regarding the federal rebate. No one will answer the phone. The owner and general manager wot return calls or respond to exits or emails. Because we can’t submit our federal grant we are also unable to get our rebate from Energuys for the pre and post assessments. We are not alone as 2 others on our lock are experiencing the same treatment.
They won’t respond or help us customers that have paid but daily the advertise in the Province paper to come to the as you get all these rebates however they install equipment that in actual fact is ineligible for the rebates.
We are out $5000 because we were lied to. Please look for an alternate to Thomson Industries Ltd so you don’t have to go through what and many others have.

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