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Michelle M 20.04.2023
A story of forgiveness...
Charlene Hutchinson, a colorist/stylist who works at La Bella Si, in Sussex NB twice colored my hair in the past few months, Aug 15, 2022 and Sept 20, 2022. I felt significant burning on my scalp after the second time, and although the color looked fine, my head had a reddish brown color burnt into it which lasted for a couple of weeks. I noticed that when I brushed my hair it was coming out at an alarming rate, and after showering there was an unusual amount of hair trapped in the drain.... that is when I panicked.
I went back to La Bella Si and spoke to Charlene, and showed her what had happened, she said that she was so sorry that it had happened to me, and began to cry, she asked if there was anything she could do. I said yes that I would like my money back. At that point, the owner Jackie rushed over to us and said to me that I should see my doctor if I had hair loss and that it was my health problem and not their problem. She said that she stood behind her employees. She refused to give me my money back and asked me to leave. She asked 'me what qualifies me to make those accusations, she asked me if I was a colorist', I said no...are you qualified? I said to her, because it doesn't seem so. The hair color/dye was on my head for an hour, the owner said that the color could remain on a person's head for 3 days without consequence (as long as the person has not demonstrated an allergic reaction which was not done) and this had never happened before so it must be me. If this is the training that she is giving Charlene, then there is little wonder that this happened. No allergy test was done prior to putting on the hair dye which is a huge red flag.
I have done a lot of soul-searching on how to handle this situation as it was so hurtful. The lawyer I spoke to said that I absolutely have a case and that their incompetence can be handled in court. My inner guidance was such that this could have happened to anyone, and to be the bigger person, and let it go which I have. God will handle the Karma that Jackie has coming, and it will be far worse than what she put me through, as she will be made to feel the pain that she put me through. I post this review for all others who color their hair to take note of the importance of getting an ALLERGY TEST done prior to each time you get your hair colored, as an allergy can rear its ugly head at any time. I hope that Jackie has learned something from this experience as I have. My hair has grown back fully now for which I am very grateful, but I am unable to color it unless I use organic hair color, which is not optimal and a definite compromise.

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