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2 Steeles Avenue West
L4J 1A1 Thornhill

(416) 414-2271

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:30 AM - 08:00 PM
10:30 AM - 08:00 PM
10:30 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
12:00 PM - 05:00 PM
10:30 AM - 08:00 PM
10:30 AM - 08:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Dilux Falin Bramuvus Source: Cylex | 05.05.2017
Very good
May 5 2017, the staff of lucieme are amazing, they always served me beyond. Eva and Dimple are way to nice, I felt I am being pampered at all times. I am their long time client, since 2012 and with all my treatment are way amazing. All I can say is that they such an angel. I loved all their products. Thank you so much for all the BEST service that I got...Mary of Richmond Hill
Orlin Halex Diraxla Source: Cylex | 01.03.2017
My experience in this place is awful. The Management crew are a bunch of liars and not helpful at all! Liars because they can't keep up on their word. And, on top of that, they don't give you any piece of paper explaining the conditions of the membership or NOTHING... so you gotta imagine or assume... and you will never be right. I bought a year laser package for $ CAD 678.00 and while I was doing the treatment, had a bleeding on one of my breasts, the doctor advised to stop the treatment for a while so I went and spoke to the receptionist. She called the management right away and they said I could have the treatment done after, they would cover the sessions I couldn't do due to the bleeding... FALSE!!!!!!!!! When the year contract was over... those 3 sessions I missed and they promised they were going to give me... well, they avoided and said it was not possible because the system didn't allow them to let me in..... On top of that, the results after that 1 year treatment were sooooooo bad, I had almost all the hair I had on Day 1 (sometimes the technicians did it so fast that 1 hour treatment was finished in 30 min, and the lowest intensity they could do... on purpose so the hair removal treatment takes longer and they can get more money out of you). I contacted the manager of the place, Payman Shaie and there was nothing he could do... THE MANAGER OF THE PLACE!!!!!!! I decided to give them another opportunity... and I bought a 6 months laser remover treatment for $ CAD 395.50 and a facial package for another $ CAD 300... WHAT A MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The facial was a Fiasco... my face never felt or looked any different after any of the 3 sessions :( The laser... the best treatment I ever had was with a girl named Marian, she was soooo good that I had in 1 session the results I didn't have in a whole year... but they got rid of Marian and I think that was the reason... she was too good and they don't like that because they want to scam people so they can keep getting their money by lying about the real way they should do the treatments. My membership was going to be due 3 weeks after I went for the last treatment I should have because they only give you certain amount when you pay for a membership, they want to take from you anything they can... due to I had my period, I couldn't do the Brazilian, I thought I could come back the following week (like I always did when I had my period during the sessions)... They just closed my membership and again there was nothing the supervisor could do, Dimple. So she said she could add me the Brazilian to any other service I buy so she can put me into the system and can make an appointment for me..... IT'S NOT ANY SERVICE THO... they want me to keep wasting hundreds and hundreds so they can keep scamming me making money out of me! I contacted the manager of the place, Payman Shaie and there was nothing he could do AGAIN... THE MANAGER OF THE PLACE!!!!!!! Oh yes, he did give me an offer... he did tell me there was an special 6 months Brazilian for $ CAD 400 + tax!!!!!!!!!!! I just don't recommend this place at all, and they only care about sucking your money! Do yourself a favor and find a place where there is customer service and they care about them! Annie Garcia

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