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Recent reviews on Yably

D F 21.12.2023

HEARTLESS is the best word I'd use to describe this Dr.Clark. I have recently Been seeking treatment for an injury caused by a serious traumatic event that I have tried to just deal with on my own for almost 2 years and finally decided I was tired of living in pain and decided to seek help. As soon as I mentioned the nature of the injury and how it occurred the doctors tone and attitude completely changed and he became dismissive and uncaring. He could not be bothered to ask me what it was that I was experiencing and going on physically that has brought me to see him, instead he kept on lecturing me that the ultra sound was "good enough" and what i am experiencing is not worth seeking any further treatment on.
I had to interrupt him to at least try and tell him some of my pain symptoms while he was talking over me making me feel as though i just wasted his time, it was like pulling teeth to make him listen to a word I was saying about what I am feeling physically in the location of the injury to even get him to recommend any sort of further testing or treatment. When I asked why I have so much pain and tightness he decided to laugh and told me my pain is made up in my head because I'm depressed and have PTSD which caused me to start crying profusely. He continued to lecture me while I was in full blown tears about how I'm basically making up my injurys pain and how I should be grateful my test came back relatively normal for my age. I truly do not recommend seeing this doctor if you have any mental health issues current or past as he will dismiss you and tell you that its all in your head. I have never been so hurt after a doctor's appointment. It is events like this that causes people like myself not to seek help in these situations for years because you cant even trust your doctor. Simply because I have experienced traumatic events in my life does not mean that my PHYSICAL PAIN is not just as real.

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