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790 Memorial Avenue
P7B 3Z8 Thunder Bay

(807) 345-3666

Opening hours

Hours set on 17/05/2022
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM
09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Charles Bernard 14.09.2022
Because of an idignant staff during a recent call, I am reposting my experiences with dental work again. Believe me, there are plenty of bad reviews everywhere about Memorial Ave. Dental. Below is my initial experience.
After 5 months time period, a Jan. 2022 restoration filing completed broke completely off. At that former time, the resident dentist indicated a new filing could be easily done to replace a former one which broke off. There was also sufficient tooth enamel for this, otherwise, it wouldn't have been attempted.
Now, 5 months later, the composite broke free completely in one piece likely due to an inferior bonding procedure. The concern is now what's left for tooth surface is insufficient to redo the botched job. What remains NOW is the same amount as since Jan. 4th, and back then they claimed a filling could successfully bond to this surface amount, even after more surface was cleaned away to prepare the tooth. The dentist, yesterday, reported it must now be extracted.
I'm not naive as I have had many similiar restorations which are still 4 years intact. Never had a filing fall cleanly off in such a short period, EVER!
After attempting to discuss the incompetent job ( I believe ) they tried to push for xrays to confirm ( more money to be charged ). I didn't comply. They continued to discuss other options to avoid the incompetence issue completely.
I was charged a $149.00 exam fee just the same and NO official exam other than taking a look at the tooth as a distant view was made. It appears obvious no matter what, you pay a fee even if it is to discuss failed procedures after quite recent work.
This establishment is unacceptable and I believe the public should be warned about businesses which really do not stand behind or warrant their work. Nothing belligerent caused this filling to simply pop out. There's no decay that caused this; the high-tech glue compounds of today are far superior than ever!
I will be seeking other dental opinions on this matter. I've lost a tooth as a result of using this dental service. I am guessing, but I think they believe they're never wrong or make mistakes.

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