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N4G 3S8 Tillsonburg

+1 519-688-2123

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Linda Pepperdine Ling 28.04.2023

Reasons to the facts:
it starts with us during pandemic. Employee comes to our truck picks up pet does not identify name or position.

Vet will come out to discuss your pet still does NOT identify themselves as the Vet.
Communication between Employees and Customers is EXTREMELY POOR.
The employees are SHARP with you on the phone.

One drop off during pandemic we ask at truck “Do you do complimentary nail clipping “ Employee stated”I don’t know “
We clearly identified Do you cut nails with physical free of charge otherwise NOT.
Reviewed Bill when home EDWARDS charged us $60 for 2 tiny dogs.
Because of above issues, we sent EDWARDS an email for communication of our above concerns and with an argument from “Josie, office manager \Wife” informed us “NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS FOR FREE” verbally on phone.

We said, is this how YOU speak to clients! This is not acceptable at all!
Money refunded by EDWARD'S, BUT, It was clear they were unhappy with us.

Then, recently we take our little dog in for a possible urine infection we thought. We took urine sample in and requested for them to test the urine. Edwards refused to do so without a physical of the dog from a Vet.

They were not happy my husband was refusing the physical!
Our dog had a full physical not long ago, he did not require one and we did not want to pay for another physical just to PAD THE VETS POCKETS!

We also have an issue with an employee. It’s personal. We made a very kind request for this person not to be involved in our pet care. THAT’S OUR RIGHT!
Same thing if it would be a child at a school! That child would be accommodated.
This alone is a very POOR JUDGEMENT CALL from Dr. Edwards.

EDWARDS forced our hands for a physical or NO URINE RESULTS.

Then, we call office to order pet food and medication for our dog. My husband was put on hold and Josie (office manager) ACCUSED my husband of being ABUSIVE to the staff and EDWARDS have sent a letter of discharge to our home.

Spoke to DR. PAUL EDWARDS, it definitely was not a pleasant conversation and we are very annoyed at Josie verbally accusing my husband of “ABUSE “ but, Dr. EDWARDS will NOT IDENTIFY what the ABUSE is!

Letter received in mail “STATES”
Unfortunately, Your behaviour and interactions with our personnel over the past week \days\month have made it impossible for the doctors and staff here to communicate with you in that fashion. As a result of this, we will be u able to provide any further medical pet care.
This is your discharge letter, you have been removed from our client list and no longer entitled to any services, from our office.

Dr Paul Edwards, wants YOU to PAD HIS POCKETS
Get every vaccine!
Physical’s to routinely ETC ETC ….

This Vet is totally inappropriate in his Decision making.

As a professional empathetic healthcare nurse, I am discussed in this CARE!

Reports completed to:
Vet association

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