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Kat Mullaly 04.01.2023
Very good
I was referred to Dr. Miltchin for treatment of a literally crippling tailor's bunionette (below little toe instead of big toe) that was beyond non-surgical intervention, and I can't recommend him and his amazing assistants, Maxine and Ines, any more heartily. From my very first visit I received some of the most efficient, knowledgeable — and HUMAN — care I've ever enjoyed (again literally, much as "enjoy" is an odd word to use for a health problem) from ANY professionals, medical or otherwise. The initial assessment was detailed and careful, the treatment plan was thoroughly explained both beforehand and at every stage afterward, I literally walked out of the surgery on my own two feet (!!), and the follow-up treatment during recovery has been beyond reproach. Apparently I had tolerated my prior pain and let my issue degrade for so long, and have had such an ideal outcome despite that, that Dr. Miltchin now uses my surgery as a case study in the extensive teaching he undertakes when he's not helping countless others like me with his TRULY minimal/unique approach. I am baffled that OHIP isn't insisting this time/money/AND suffering-saving technique isn't mandatory across the province — and horrified, given the hugely expensive, painful, highly inefficient, and frankly anachronistic one that's currently the standard in our already hobbled (pun VERY much intended) public health system. I'd say "Don't walk, run!" to this practice for help, but then if you were able to do that you wouldn't need to. ;-) But seriously: I waited to write this recommendation until I had experienced the entire process, and am now happy to say without reservation that this man and his staff can be trusted entirely with not only your podiatry but also your emotional wellbeing throughout every step of solving your issue.

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