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174 Spadina Avenue
M5T 2C2 Toronto

+1 416-214-9090

Opening hours

Hours set on 10/05/2024
11:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
09:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Tiffany Antopolski 08.06.2023
The front desk service staff was extremely cold during my first visit. I had booked a follow-up appointment, but then got really sick for over two weeks. I moved my appointment once, but forgot to move it the second time as I was not only managing my bronchitis but ended up with a very sick one year old. The front desk girl was very unemphatic when she called me, and on top of that charged me almoat $200 for the missed appointment. That's a lot of money! I had plans to go twice a month to help me with recovering from a traumatic and difficult C-section and all the post partum issues. I am never going back there, and sadly am looking for a new therapist. Thiru the therapist is actually tops, but no one should have the deal with cold hearted front desk staff when going for a massage.
Amiga Taylor 12.09.2022
Wonderful space. Amazing therapist, but deplorable front desk customer service staff.

Unfortunately, they have a front desk staff who clearly doesn't care at all about providing respectful and solution-based customer service.

She is belittling and rude and has no regard for the clients who keep the lights on. She is constantly dismissive and when held accountable for her lack of professionalism will increase the intensity of the disrespect.

Monica has created a beautiful space at Atinama for folks to come for healing. Unfortunately, this front desk staff could careless about the sacrifices she has made to create it. She is seriously a stain on the company and certainly is not in alignment with the company's overall mission and vision.

I am disgusted.

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