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126 Davenport Road
M5R 1H9 Toronto

(416) 944-0262

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:30 PM
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Anonymous 13.02.2022
I have 4A hair and I thought I finally hit the jackpot coming here to get my hair done well. But I was unfortunately wrong. The endless comments I received from my non-Black hair stylists about my hair being difficult to manage was shocking. The entire time I was there I was made to feel like my tight curls were something to “fix” and not something that could be taken care of or appreciated.

I felt so disrespected as they continued to complain about how difficult it was to manage my hair type, and exchanged tips on how to handle it. The lead stylist kept complaining that he was exhausted and that he couldn’t wait to be done. He literally kept asking for help, at one point I had 3 stylists straightening my hair. Before he got started he kept asking his assistant whether she was really ready for this, as if they were getting ready to do the impossible.

What’s honestly the most shocking is that they were so tone deaf to the upsetting comments they were making. How do you expect a client to enjoy a relaxing day at the hair salon when all they hear is that their hair is terrible to manage, and how it’s something that needs to be fixed.

The amount of blatant ignorance in managing my hair was disheartening and the tone deaf comments made in a presumably Black hair salon were disgusting. It’s 2022. I see many Black owned hair salons online that celebrate tight curl patterns and learn how to care for them correctly. Like any other woman who spent money to get her hair done on a weekend, I should’ve left that salon feeling like I was on top of the world. Instead, I left feeling like I just couldn’t measure up, and that I needed fixing.

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