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641 Bloor St W #2F
M6G 1L1 Toronto

(647) 557-1657

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM
10:30 AM - 06:00 PM

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Francesco Cochella Diaz 28.07.2022
The experience that my girlfriend, friends, and I had with this particular company, probably was the worst in our whole life. Was so bad that I will take the time to describe each detail not just from my process but my girlfriend and friends also.

1. When I started my process. I was very clear with them that I was applying from USA, not from my original country, because of I was living there by that time. So they said that would not be any problem at all. After 1 or 2 months that I sent all the documents, an employee called Pamela told me that they wouldn't recommend me to apply from USA, and I had to go back to my country of origin. A situation that was totally unacceptable because I had been clear with them from the beginning.
2. They probably takes more than a week or sometimes more to reply a text, email, or anything that they use to get in touch with their clients. The unprofessionalism shown from this company from the beginning is unprecedent.
3. They never tell you when your case is supervised by another employee. I had the terrible experience that during the process, and after they told me that I could not apply from USA (after my application) I notice that one day (after weeks waiting for a response) the person who was checking my case text me and told "I'm not following your case anymore". So who was following my case? who knows. I had to request an interview with the person in charge of Admission Hub Latinos. A person called Lorena.
4. After my girlfriend and friends applied for the second time, and during the briefing of rejection with Latinos Admission Hub. The person in charge, a woman called Laura, told my girlfriend and friends that it's possible that they got rejected because of the letter. So now came to my mind something very important. Why on earth they never said that? it's supposed that the people is paying for a good service. It's supposed that they checked all the documents and they supervise that everything is correct. Unfortunately, they said, that they don't have time to check all the documents and neither the letters that the clients prepare. So what is the business? just collect the documents and send them? where is the work that the company perform? where is the responsability of a company who charge money for a service? The visa of my girlfriend and friends were denied 2 times. They never fixed the problems of the first application.
5. During the medical examination phase. There are 2 letters that the client receive. The first one, telling them to make a medical exam in an specific place (everything good with that) to make the process faster. After my girlfriend sent the results after the first letter, the second letter arrived. So now the job of Admission Hub was to tell Immigration Canada that they already had the results, nothing to do with the client actually. But the person in charge sent again the letter to my girlfriend (the second and formal request of the medical exam) to do what the letter said. Why on Earth did she have to do the medical exam again? She called the company medical company in charge and they said that they already uploaded the results and also Admission Hub was in charge to tell them to make the reunification of documents. So apparently, the person who send the letter again has not read it, and she hasn't any idea about her responsabilities at the time. Something that prove that they don't read the letters (because of they don't have time to do those kind of things, so what is the job?).
6. When I arrived to Canada (during the second application of my girlfriend and friend). I tried to get into my first day of classes, apparently and according of the School where I got enrolled. Admission Hub had not paid or they paid so close to the started day, so I missed 2 days of classes, something that was unacceptable. Because I paid for the 100% of the program, not just the 98%.

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