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362 Fairlawn Ave
M5M 1T6 Toronto

(416) 256-5614

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM

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a j 06.05.2022

This is long overdue but I feel I must write this as for a while I was too upset about it , in denial and busy with life . I received a breast augmentation at the end of 2013 with Dr . Edelstein. While I acknowledge he is capable of doing excellent work , he or this clinic did not provide proper support when the surgery didn’t go as planned . I quickly developed a condition called Breast Symmastia, ( caused accidentally by trying to create too much cleavage ) . When I brought it up in follow up he did not offer to fix this issue telling me it was too early ( which is true , one must wait a year to perform corrective surgery) , and was very cold, impatient and visibly uneasy . I was however quite angry and fearful in person and on the phone , but reasonably so . This procedure was priced at 13-14k , when you can get a good breast augmentation for about under 10k and it was my first surgery and no one I spoke to about it at the office post surgery was empathetic or kind about it . There was absolutely no bedside manner post payment . It felt horrible. I expressed my unhappiness and shock ,and while I gave up contacting them due to being overwhelmed by the trauma, they never followed up to offer any help or fix the error or even a partial refund . Telling me there was nothing they could do , when I last spoke with a representative of the clinic.My experience was very much brushed aside once there was a mistake on their part, leaving me feeling like they took my money and ran . It was quite unethical , they just left me in the dark horribly traumatized . Interestingly enough I noticed they now have symmastia information on their website . ..Anyway this was unfortunately my experience with Dr. Edelstein and the Clinic.

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