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M5B 2M3 Toronto

(416) 581-0139


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Erik Spigel 17.05.2022
The negatives outweigh the positives in this incompetently managed, poorly upkept building in what should be a dream location in the city.

The positives: Location, location, location. Convenient to shopping, UofT, Toronto Metropolitan University. Older building, so the units are often larger than what you usually see.

The negatives: The building infrastructure and appointments are the cheapest possible and inadequately and indifferently maintained.

The building needs four elevators and there are only three. Of those three, one regularly goes out of service because of poor construction and even poorer maintenance. I have been stuck on it THREE TIMES, and each time met with indifference by the concierge. They simply don't care, neither does building management.

The environmental controls (heating, air conditioning) are of similar poor quality and subject to regular failure. The units here are not built for either insulation or air circulation, so you NEED the heat to be working in the winter, and you NEED the air conditioning to be working in the summer. Without the AC, for example, the temperatures can reach nearly 40 degrees Celsius because the mostly western-facing windows act like a greenhouse (again, cheap windows!).

There is a gym, but the equipment is outdated and inadequate. It shows well, but is useless for working out. If anything breaks, it just sits there. They won't replace it.

The population in this building is mostly renters, and mostly undergraduates at that. There is no investment in making this a comfortable place to live at any level.

This should be a dream location, but living here is truly mniserable. Prospective residents are strongly advised to look elsewhere.

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