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60 Mountview Ave
M6P 2L4 Toronto

416 762 2454


Recent reviews on Yably

Tenant2013 Source: Cylex | 11.10.2013
Worst building I ever lived in. Careless and rude management. Dirty , falling in apart building. Laundry room is closed for renovation for 2 month instead of promised 3 weeks . And it's still closed. Underground garage is not safe at all for parking. Somebody broke a window in my car, my parent's axe was badly scratched. The cameras in the garage are not working as I was told by management, when I asked them to search who convicted that crime. We have a security - but I think it a ghost, as I never saw him. And see weird people hanging out in our garage: drinking, sleeping. Gates in the garage get broken often. And they stay open all nights and days. Anybody can get in and steel or brake cars. Our management decided to make a condo from rental building. They demolish kitchen walls. Loud noise doesn't stop days, evenings and sometimes weekends. Price is extremely high for renovated apartments but the building is ugly. If you ask management to fix or replace something in non renovated apartments - you'll be waiting forever. An there is no guarantee that They'll do something for you. Your life will be - fighting for everything. Think twice before you decide to move in.

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