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388 Richmond Street West - Unit 1120
M5V 3P1 Toronto

(416) 971-5090

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Recent reviews on Yably

Dino Magnatta 01.10.2023
I hired Host Services Group to manage my property while I was away. I came back to discover that over $40K+ of my personal belongings were STOLEN and/or DAMAGED. My personal cheque book was also stolen and attempts were made to withdraw over $650K from my bank account.

When I informed Brad (owner of Host Services Group) that I had been robbed, he seemed totally unaware of anything being moved or damaged. He repeatedly insisted that my stolen and damaged property were not the result of the rental guests nor his long-term staff and that I had too much stuff in my house to be able to properly inventory everything.
The police and I have not been able to acquire any security footage as Brad insisted that I remove all indoor and outdoor cameras on my property. His reasoning was that the cameras were negatively affecting rentals. Upon my return, I also found my exterior motion lights disconnected without my consent.

As an avid wine collector, I had a fully stocked wine cellar. Brad insisted that their cleaning products be stored in my locked wine cellar which they were the only ones that had access to. Upon my return, I discovered over half of my wine collection missing. Brad insisted that his staff had no involvement despite being Host Services were the ONLY ones able to access this LOCKED wine cellar.
My property was purposely damaged: relocating my masks and artwork, gluing, and nailing spikes into my antique cabinet shut and disgusting garbage piling up in my bins. My sculptures were broken and my remote controls purposely melted. There are many other examples of this blatant disregard of my property (see pics attached).

Rare collector’s items like my antique Papua tribal vest, water buffalo skull and cast-iron metal medieval bottle holder were stolen just to name a few. The thieves also took my irreplaceable Indigenous Haida mask collection leaving the whole basement wall bare and empty and nobody noticed?

My next-door neighbour informed me that she had spoken to a man who said he was the property manager. This man stayed overnight unauthorized and had a pickup truck with Michigan license plates. The fraudulent cheques were all deposited at banks in London Ontario which coincidentally is on the way to Michigan. Guess who graduated from Michigan State? Brad Edelson.

When I tried to get more information from Brad, he immediately shut down my property listing, refused to answer any questions, did not show any empathy, and discontinued any further communication. I have also been blocked on his social media accounts for no apparent reason.

This experience is NOT what I’d expect from a reputable property management company. I hope no one has to go through this invasion of privacy and lack of respect.

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