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Christopher 07.02.2022
Very good
Lawyers come and go - and over the last decade, I've retained over eight lawyers over this period of time. I am well versed with lawyer processes, court procedures and after many trials and tribulations, having some awful representation whose prerogative was to deceivingly exhaust my finances while providing me with subpar representation. And then, I've had some decent lawyers - whose compensation was fair - but then lacked the "bulldog" court etiquette/mentality or hadn't the experience to decipher timing and procedural legal strategies and advantages with in-court/out-of-court actions to really give me the "upper hand."

Then comes Philip Klumak. By far, Mr. Klumak is at the top of my list, literally dethroning every other representative I've had in the past. He is outstandingly professional; financially fair (and worth every penny spent); utilizes his time and funds efficiently; he has an insatiable desire to understand the most complex scenarios and determines an advantageous game-plan - and follows through; he is meticulously detail oriented, outside of court, and most importantly, seeing him in court, I was utterly impressed with Mr. Klumak's tenacity and "bulldog" mentality and demeanor to fight for me.

I not only recommend Mr. Klumak - but anyone would be lucky to have him on their side.

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