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Younes Hajby 04.04.2022

On February 26th 2021, I underwent laser eye surgery to correct a minor myopia and astigmatism.

The surgery was conducted by Dr. Wallerstein. The day of the surgery, the clinical director, Maria, rushed me through the process to speak with the clinical counsellor, Tara, to have the consent forms signed. The clinical director said that the doctor was in "a rush "as he had a flight to catch to go back to Montreal. That statement proved fateful.

After signing the documents, I took the Xanax offered by the clinic to calm my nerves. After taking the medication, the clinical director approached me and asked to sign additional documents that she had forgotten to make me sign.

The surgery was performed in that afternoon and I went home. I returned the next day for my 24 hours check up appointment, still not aware of the results of the surgery. Everything was very blurry and I couldn't see from my right eye. My eyes were very swollen. I was tested by the eye care professional and was told that there was something wrong with the machine, jokingly saying that I "broke it". After realizing that I couldn't see from my right eye, I was told that I needed to see Dr. Lloyd right away in the surgery room to perform further examination.

I was then seen by Dr. Lloyd since Dr. Wallerstein was back in Montreal on that day. After reviewing my result and my surgery file, Dr. Lloyd admitted that Dr. Wallerstein had made a mistake. One of my eye had been corrected to the wrong settings. The axis of my right eye were entered incorrectly in the laser machine which caused the laser to over correct my vision. I went from an approximate -1.25 (myopia) and -1.50 (astigmatism) to a +2.00 (myopia) and -4.00 (astigmatism).

Dr. Lloyd immediately performed a procedure that he said he hoped would correct the error. I was told that it would take months before the impact of the mistake would be known. I was told that at this point, nothing more could be done. I had to sign an other consent form for the second surgery with fear and stress that I would lose my eyesight. The consent form specifically said a second surgery on the cornea needed to be performed months after the first one as it needed time to heal. I was left with no choice but to let Dr. Lloyd try and hope to fix the mistake. They re-opened the freshly cut cornea for a second time in the matter of less than 19 hour. I was left with no choice but to let the second surgeon try and hope to correct it.

I was in convalescence for months. I lost my job because of it and went through a very stressful time on top of the pandemic. Dr. Wallerstein called me personally that weekend, to tell me that he was "disappointed" and without any apology.

An update will follow up as It is still an ongoing issue, a year later.

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