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M5T 3A8 Toronto

(416) 583-2121

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Recent reviews on Yably

Carmen Wong 18.08.2022
Online buyers beware!!! You may receive damaged products and rude customer service that offers you nothing.

I’ve just ordered 11 games/expansions from them online, shipped to Calgary. 4 of my full priced games are damaged. Corners are bruised, box is dented/scratched up, in shrink wrap. The shipping container has no signs of damage. Meaning: meeplemart are shipping their damaged products to their online customers. When I email them with clear pictures of the damage and inform them about the issue, manager Chris Lefort responded saying that since I have other damaged (discounted) boxes within my order, I should not care so much about broken boxes (even though I paid full prices for them). He also said “the industry is plagued with inconsistent packaging and shipping issues and what is deemed as damaged versus “normal” condition becomes a very thin line.”

This has been very frustrating and disappointing. Yes, the damage may seem minor and the pieces inside are fine, but still, the damaged outer box is an eyesore on my shelf and will definitely decrease the re-sale value if I choose to sell in the future. And I did pay full price for them. It might have been better if they just apologized and said nothing else, but I did find the tone of the response offensive and putting the blame on the buyer.

Boardgamebliss, 401, or greatboardgames may be a better alternative, as I have also ordered from them before and had no issues in the past.

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