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nissena paving Source: Cylex | 16.12.2012
October 2011-I bought my house knowing I'd need a new driveway I share it with a neighbour so had to wait until she was ready, her husband had just died so she left the details to me. I shopped around and decided to go with Nissena simply because the Rep was an acquaintance with friends of mine, his price was reasonable and Nissena does contract work for the city so I thought I was safe...WRONG!!! I wont go into all the details, you can find them if you search Better Business Bureau Nissena. Actually if you Google Nissena you'll find another person had the same issues but chose not to take it further.
So my situation: The Project Manager was S. at first a really nice older gentleman then I signed the contract and he became a real brute I wont go into that as I'm going to take them to Small Claims and I'm not sure what I can write here. Needless to say when the work was finished I had the entire driveway running into two locations in my yard. This was a surprise to me and only discovered this when my neighbour and I ran a hose after the work was completed. I should add that they too had used his hose and it was tar sticky. S. my neighbour and I ended up in a heated argument about this surprise, eventually I ended up talking with D. (Owner) who agreed to give 200 off the cost pending my satisfaction...In other words if the driveway drained without flooding my yard I'd give the 200 back. Frankly I think he gave me the 200 because he understood my issue with dealing with S.
Fast forward to April 2012 The drainage is not so bad my yard has two wet spots which I was willing to deal with. It's the PLANTS or WEEDS growing in the driveway as well as ONE SPOT IN THE MIDDLE WHERE THE ASPHALT IS SO THIN IT'S CRACKING AND THE STONES ARE SURFACING...Still under warranty so I call S. he comes by when I'm not home but leaves a buseness card saying they will fix....Nothing,...I call...dead neighbour calls...dead neighbour calls again and again as do I finally he reaches D. who says well basically "Too Bad"...I enlist the help of the Better Business Borough and to my surprise when Nissena finally responded they claimed that because the "total amount was reduced by 200.00 that there would be no more complaints regarding warranty issues" WHAT.....! NO WAY Spending over 5000 not happy with the job as I knew it then and I would take 200 bucks to offset the warranty....Seriously, not to mention that S. signed the warranty for one year on the day he got paid and still they didn't honour it. Looks like I'm going to have to navigate my way thru Small Claims Court which is quite a task. Nissena is likely hoping I wont go thru the trouble as I have everything needed to win.

All they needed to do was show a little respect honour the warranty and fix the issue of cracks and weeds growing in several locations.


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