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Recent reviews on Yably

Joyce Lo 16.03.2022
If there's a way to give no stars, this review would be exactly that.

The overall experience was ruined when the bar staff was rude and the manager did nothing to acknowledge or apologize for this horrible experience. The server couldn't provide us with our receipt and the manager couldn't retrieve it saying that there's something wrong with the system. Which all CAN be within acceptable range except when our food arrives from the kitchen into the bar area, it sat there before our eyes for 10 minutes and since there was no receipt to prove that the order belonged to us, no other staff could hand us our food. The barista who took our order ignored the fact that our food has been out and sitting there for some time and continued to assist new customers. When we finally flagged her down and inquired if that indeed is our food sitting there and if we could have it, she had the audacity to reply rudely with "CHILL!" And then called a manager to speak to us. Without hearing our side of the situation, the manager's first spoken words to us were "do not yell at our staff" when no one did. The manager did nothing to better the experience and showed significance amount of impatience and lack of willingness to listen or assist. It's such a shame that there are so many other places we could have chosen to do our businesses with, we picked here and it was a waste of time and money

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