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781 The Queensway
M8Z 6A8 Toronto


Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
12:00 PM - 05:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Dix Borce Subelum Source: Cylex | 20.04.2017
What a disappointing experience! We had some old Gibbard mahogany furniture stored in my mother's basement and called the Singing Lady to see if they would put it on Consignment for us. "Maybe" they said. "You can either send / bring the stuff to the store OR we'll come to your house and appraise it for $80 and tell you if we'll take it." Given that Mom is well into her 70s, we took the appraisal option. So a lady showed up, gave the furniture a cursory look, took pictures and her $80 and said she would let us know the next day. She did and selected a number of pieces. Imagine our surprise then when, after paying for the items to be shipped to the store, my mother got a rude, shirty phone call informing her that the furniture "wasn't clean", that they were "too busy to clean it" and that she had two choices "pay to have it returned to the house" or "donate it to a furniture bank". Nice way to do business; tell an almost octogenarian that you'll take her stuff, charge her for the privilege and then phone her to essentially hold her hostage while being a horses ass about it (and for the record, the furniture is clean). Mom complained (for she didn't get to be almost 80 by shirking from a dispute) and the store has promised to return the $80. We'll see if they do, but I think Mom is owed a very public apology and a refund if the $250 shipping costs she incurred on the basis that the goods were accepted for consignment. Do that and maybe I'll write something nice about you, but at the moment, in my personal opinion you are a shoddy business that engages in sharp practices designed to take money from unsuspecting people. Don't do that and maybe I'll take you to small claims for it on Mom's behalf (if she ever speaks to me after the "octogenarian" crack) Sincerely, Kevin Matte J.D.

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