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M5G 1N8 Toronto

(416) 967-9021

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM
08:30 AM - 04:00 PM

Recent reviews on Yably

Camillo Clauser 10.09.2022
I wish zero stars was an option. I was supposed to take two wisdom tooth out and was send to Dr. Owen Symington. After paying the initial assessment, he said they were super easy. Great! I book the extraction, take time off work and we have my brother-in-law flying here as we have a newborn and no one could pick me up otherwise. I call a few days before to confirm and it is all good to go. Too bad that the morning of the surgery I get a call at 7.40am that the doctor had to cancel all appointments as he has back problems. Hey! Stuff happens. But now we have to reschedule as my brother-in-law was leaving. Lucky for us a month later my parents were supposed to visit. Great so we reschedule. Now a doubt creeps in reading some other review... Will he cancel on me again?! Well I call a few days before to confirm. All good. But just in case I also call the afternoon before asking "are you sure it won't happen like last time that you call me at 7am to cancel" the answer was just "I can only tell you that it is confirmed".... Oh well! You can guess the rest of the story. I take time off work, but at 7.30am I get a call that Dr.Symington had an emergency and all appointments were cancelled. I letter found out this was no easy surgery. He clearly doesn't know how to do his job nor how to be professional. Stay away from this dentist as he will waste your time and money (for assesment visits that take you nowhere)

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