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V5Z 4P1 Vancouver
British Columbia

(604) 338-2349

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Rob Hasenwinkle 03.11.2022
Darren Lindwall, owner of BS iPhone Scams intentionally, deceived me and lied to me about what parts he would install into my iPhone.

I consider his actions a scam.

He agreed to install a brand new Desay brand battery ( which Apple strictly uses in all of their mobile devices, as well as what they replace their devices with at the Genius bar ) in my iPhone.

However, instead, Darren chose to use a much less expensive and poor-quality aftermarket battery.

And he lied to me about the battery before during and after the battery installation.

Also, when he sent me a text image of the new battery, he intentionally chose to not photograph the top of the battery, where the battery company name is. ( see attached images )

When I replied to that text image he did not reply back to me.
( because he did not want evidence for his intended scam )

The battery he replaced in my iPhone is as good as the dying battery he took out.

A full charge on the new battery will last less than one day with average use, not including browsing. That is about as long as the old dying battery he replaced could do.

And the cheap replacement battery cost him $12 CAD before shipping $20 after shipping, whereas a new Desay brand battery is over $45 before shipping.

Desay brand batteries are warrantied for one year, and Darren told me that I would have a full-year warranty after the replacement.

The battery that he replaced in my iPhone has no warranty.

Darren charged me $72.80 after taxes to install a $12 battery.
The work took him less than 15 minutes to complete.

So he made $60 for a less than 15-minutes job by lying to me.

Had darren been honest and communicated to me clearly of the battery he was going to install, then I would have just proceeded with getting the work done for the same price ( with a 1 year warranty ) at the Apple Store by a certified Apple technician instead.

No matter what B.S. darren lindwall replies to this accurate review with, he will fail to admit to his intentionally deceptive lies to me, because he is afraid to admit to them.

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