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319 W Hastings St
V6B 1H6 Vancouver
British Columbia


Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Eldaide Mbuaki - Zulu 11.10.2023
I regret to say that my experience with Dad's Printing has been nothing short of disastrous. I have yet to receive my September salary, despite a clear agreement in place. This is not only a breach of our contract but also a blatant disregard for the trust I placed in the company.

What's even more concerning is the complete lack of communication and professionalism displayed by the boss, Adam Lando. I've made numerous attempts to contact him regarding this issue, but my messages have fallen on deaf ears. It is utterly unprofessional and unethical to treat an employee with such disregard and disdain.

The way a company treats its employees is a reflection of the individuals who run it. In this case, it's a clear indication of the lack of integrity and respect within the management of Dad's Printing. It is evident that they have broken our employment contract through their sly and unprofessional behavior.

I strongly advise anyone considering employment at Dad's Printing to think twice and be cautious about the unethical treatment that may await them. This experience has been a disheartening lesson in how some companies operate, and I hope that others can avoid a similar fate.
Wade Shapley 14.03.2023
Adam doesn't pay his staff on time. Doesn't keep his promises to customers.
He takes there money and disconnects on all levels of communication with his customers. Worse business person I have ever seen in lower mainland and tri-city areas.
Don't purchase products from this business you will never get it and if you do receive it you will be disappointed.
If you don't believe me, his facebook page is at 2.5 stars compared to google.
Kane Knight 26.01.2023
just now
Stay way far away. Check their Facebook reviews. They are screwing over so many people. Including myself. Promise you the moon and then don't deliver. They will stop talking to you once they have your money and not refund. Large group of people are getting together and going to the media. The guy who runs it Adam Kaplan Lando is also now getting people to write fake good reviews also. Total winner he is. Will see what telus small town business has to say about the money they gave him too.
Beware: stay away.

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