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1551 Broadway St, Unit 103
V3C 6N9 Vancouver
British Columbia

(778) 357-0485

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 05:00 PM
07:00 AM - 03:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Matteo Di Iorio 20.09.2023
The installers are very unprofessional, and their customer service is weak.

After waiting months for the installation of my sliding glass door and screen, the install date was changed the night before. Then the installers did not show up on the day they promised, and we had to call them hours after their time window to find out what was going on. When they finally did arrive a week later, the install went ok, but the door and screen both had damage from shipping, and were installed like that. The exterior silicone work was sloppy, and they left smears of it on my deck, and loose screws around the area.

When asked about how they would apologize for wasting my time with a no-show, this company said "We cannot compensate you for something we didn't charge you for." Which basically means we don't care, we already have your money. When emailing with their project coordinator Olga, eventually she offered a $50 Amazon gift card to silence any honest and negative reviews that I may write, which is an offensively low compensation for their disrespect.
Matteo Source: Cylex | 20.09.2023
The installers are very unprofessional, and their customer service is weak.

After waiting months for the installation of my sliding glass door and screen, the install date was changed the night before. Then the installers did not show up on the day they promised, and we had to call them hours after their time window to find out what was going on. When they finally did arrive a week later, the install went ok, but the door and screen both had damage from shipping, and were installed like that. The exterior silicone work was sloppy, and they left smears of it on my deck, and loose screws around the area.

When asked about how they would apologize for wasting my time with a no-show, this company said "We cannot compensate you for something we didn't charge you for." Which basically means we don't care, we already have your money. When emailing with their project coordinator Olga, eventually she offered a $50 Amazon gift card to silence any honest and negative reviews that I may write, which is an offensively low compensation for their disrespect.

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