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3401 E Hastings St
V5K 2A5 Vancouver
British Columbia

(604) 568-2575

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Nina S 25.03.2023
I highly advise against anyone going to this place. It has been 11 years and I still have some scarring. Initially, I spoke to Irina about treatment for my Rosacea. She assured me that she could perform IPL to rid me of my constant flushing which had made me self-conscious. Outside of this flushing people in my life would regularly compliment me on my skin, it was my nicest feature!

During the treatment there ended up being another woman observing and I got the sense that they did not know what they were doing and I was actually just their guinea pig! My face erupted and I looked completely hideous; I missed my sister’s birthday as I was too embarrassed to go out for 2 weeks and have people stare at the huge blisters which looked like many boils on my face. I became very depressed during that time. I went back to Irina and she minimized what had happened and encouraged me to pursue further IPL treatments as a package. She tried to “fix” the issue by further irritating my skin with microdermabrasion and then encouraged me to pursue further IPL treatments as a package. I was aghast and never returned.

After a year I could still see scars on my face so I went to an actual professional about this. The dermatologist relayed to me that a person, such as myself with any type of pigment in their skin is NOT a candidate for IPL. He also said that Irina had actually given me “third-degree burns.” To this day my skin has never fully corrected itself and the sun makes it darker in some areas versus others (due to the uneven surface with scars) even though I’m careful with a hat and sunscreen.

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