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Recent reviews on Yably

Inis Tanox Riher Source: Cylex | 20.10.2014
The young Asian lady, one of the people who run the business and is one of the owners, told a home support worker, right in the middle of washing the clothes, complaining that there was bed bugs and told the cleaner she had to do the drying at a different location! I would also like to add that when you want warm or hot water as an option as a choice for the temperature of the water, it is never available, for the owners turn off the hot water to save money. There was no bed bugs for the owner refused to show any evidence of where she sees this happening for any bugs! Before the new owners took over this laundry mat, my family has been going there for over 30 years! There is no symptoms what so ever in the laundry for the home that the clothes belong is is one is cleaned and vacuumed regularly and the owner of the clothes has absolutely no symptoms of bed beg infestation with itchiness, redness, sores or anything with her. The only reason owner of the facility was upset is that someone was coming there and using their facility for they make more money doing laundry business for hotels, doing alterations and being a third party sending clothes for drying cleaning charging lots of money than someone coming in to do their own laundry and paying $1 for wash and 25 cents for 5 minutes for drying. They make very little if any money from people doing their own laundry.

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