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British Columbia


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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Very good

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D L 18.11.2021
Very good
Opponents who face Tony Tso are gripped by two emotions when they
face him in court.
Their overriding emotion is usually that of fear, as they know just how
redoubtable Tony Tso is; but there is another contrasting emotion they
feel too; that of a somewhat sneaky feeling of delight at watching Tony
Tso elegantly put forward his arguments while meticulously dismantling
those of opposing counsel.
He is courageous in the cases he takes on and mesmerizing in his ability
to creatively put together ideas in defense of his clients. While opposing
counsel can shake at the thought of going up against him, they relish the
idea of seeing a great legal mind and a total pro in action.
In fact his beguiling ways add to his powers.
Tony Tso is no legal bully, just hammering out ordinary and pedestrian
arguments. He wins his cases with the sophistication of his thinking, his
well-researched facts, and his analytical abilities.
With this level of prowess he also wins over judges, juries, and often
prosecutors on the other side.
Criminal law can be a tough area of law given that in most cases there is
a lot at stake, Tony Tso handles it all with aplomb.
But make no mistake Tony Tso knows what really matters here. As
elegant as his thought is, as rigorous as his legal research is, and as
rapier sharp as his analytical skills are, he knows that winning is what
counts. And that he does.
I was faced with two very serious life altering charges, and Mr. Tso was
laser focused on all details of my case, he worked tirelessly and he won
an acquittal on one count, and a Stay of Proceedings on the other
(meaning getting the charges dropped without any conditions), these
were TWO incredible wins, and the absolute cleanest and best possible
outcomes. Also, the biggest knockout punch to my adversaries, as being
wrongfully accused is not something to take lightly.
Indeed Jonathan J. Israels and his associate Tony Tso are the best at
what they do, they are incredibly tough and tenacious lawyers who will
fight for you and achieve outstanding victories. In adversarial situations
where the only acceptable outcome is winning, one must go to a lawyer
who will do everything humanly possible to get his/her clients to win.
Jonathan J. Israels and Tony Tso do just that.
I will forever be immensely thankful to Tony Tso, Jonathan J. Isreals,
and everyone at their office for doing such an extraordinary job for me at
every step of the process.

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