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919 Granville St
V6B 2C9 Vancouver
British Columbia

(604) 620-6604

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:30 PM - 03:00 AM
09:30 PM - 00:00 AM
10:00 PM - 03:00 AM
10:00 PM - 00:00 AM
10:00 PM - 03:00 AM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Juliano Rodrigues Vieira 17.02.2023
It is not a surprise that this business has very low rating.
Today, I was attacked and aggressively mistreated by two of their staff before even entering the place .
I am a Customer Service instructor at the College that organized this fund raising party of today at Studio.
I was accompanying my students after class and right at the entrance, I got surprised by their questionable policy of charging $5 dollars (which must be paid in cash only) for their mandatory coat or bag checking. A practice that sounds more like a way of making easy money than of safety matters.
After questioning the staff member about the policy, he raised his voice and yelling, took me outside to show me the Policy plate on the wall. Shocked by his overreaction to my question and disrespectful tone of voice, I decided not entering the place and go home but not before being aggressively attack by another staff member, a man wearing a hat, coat and sunglasses, who came from outside, grabbed my arm, and started yelling and threatening me. He only backed off after I decided to call the Police.
In many years of working in customer service around the world, this is the very first time I was treated like a criminal, physically attack by those who should be providing information and hosting those who pay their salaries. I had equipments in my bag, camera, computer, lenses and I am not confident that, if something gets misplaced, broken or stolen, the establishment will provide me any refund.
I understand the policy of bag and coat checking for safety reasons, but I also believe that the place must then provide individual lockers, with keys or a free of charge option that is not secure enough like in this case, as many other bars and places do.
At least this nasty experience I had today serves as an example to my student of bad customer service practices.

Avoid this place.

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