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3118 32nd Ave
V1T 2L9 Vernon
British Columbia

(250) 545-0599

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM
09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

.... 11.10.2022
I was enamoured at first because her manual treatments on my back really helped me. but it didn't take long to see that Shellene is a bully.

I'm recovering from a stroke and before we started working together I explained I have trouble processing information quickly and get overwhelmed if it's not a calm environment. she gets frantic even setting up an exercise course for me to do. I mentioned walking with a cane or stick would trigger an old tendonitis issue on my elbow. the next week she told me to drop my ego and use the walking stick anyway. so now I have tendonitis again.

I said I never wanted to work with another student again. after 5 years being stuck with an OT just out of school learning on the job and a few months working with a very young newly certified kinesiologist I made it clear i was only looking to work with a seasoned professional. so what does she do? she tried to force me to work with her student! did not ask me if she could invite her to our session, and when I got overwhelmed and complained about one too many people in our appointment she wouldn't listen. she moved closer into my space, raised her voice and repeated herself. in BC is illegal to have a client work with your student without explicit consent and I kept denying.. I felt like I had no say. by law she was supposed to bring up the idea of working with the student with me privately and give me a choice before actually telling the student it would be ok and inviting her into our appointments. I ran out cancelling my appointments on the way and by the time I got to my truck I was in tears. two weeks later I got a call from another woman asking if I wanted to make an appointment.. I informed I'd had a bad fall and had broken my leg, and that I was unhappy with the way I had been treated. she said she would pass on the message. that was a week ago, still haven't heard from Shellene.. not a single call to talk things through or ask if I'm okay.. hence this review. I've been sitting on this all week hoping for a call but it didn't come so now I'm posting.

there were other bad signs too. the first assessment she filled in the numbers so fast complaining the whole time about ICBC and how much she hated paperwork. I signed it without looking (my bad, but goes to said brain injury. she should have taken more care with me.. made sure I read it over and agreed to its accuracy, and not let this happen). two months later when it came to a reassessment she said I went down a number.. I said since she filled it in, how could I?

this place is such a joke. they will only call you to drum up business to get your money. don't waste your time unless you are okay with having your mental health disregarded, being forced into situations you are uncomfortable with, like being mocked and belittled in public gym setting and don't mind being interrupted constantly.

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