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704 Goldstream Ave
V9B 2X3 Victoria
British Columbia

(250) 474-8874

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Recent reviews on Yably

Gyslene Boisvert 23.08.2022
This was the most imbarassing inconsiderate bunch of workers I've ever had to incounter I have needed the 'Public washroom'to I e as s yelled at byeach staff individually . I told in them I was having bowl issues and yet they threatened me to get out other wise he would open the door . He told me other people need thewaahroom but I can't my disability . It's imbarrassing. To top it off I already told the the the woman and d that I was going as fast as I could then I would be don't . But apparwntly because I'm only 33 that if there was any other disabled [eo[Le tht they we puld be more more I,portabt than me. The ,an asked to help me go to the bathroom. I told him absolutely; not, he then told me if I have to go to the bathroom then I should call the ambulance instead of using their PUBLIC WASHROOM. I had no choice . When I have to go I really need to go. I'm never coming back . I'm so hurt imbarrased,, I, insulted by all these staff at this time `39 pm Tuesday Aug23.22

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