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1321 Blanshard St #301
V8W 0B6 Victoria
British Columbia

(250) 858-7160

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Tommy Lum Source: Cylex | 13.01.2022
Extremely unprofessional and irresponsible. Stay away! Alex was the original mortgage broker. He lied to me for over 3 months stating that they were expecting mortgage approvals from TD and ScotiaBank. He recommended the high net worth program without understanding the rules himself. After 15 mins of Google search, I learned 90% of what he said about the rules were completely wrong. David the owner took over with 2 weeks to closing attempting to save the file because there were so many mistakes on the original TD and Scotiabank applications that resulted in TD rejecting the application and Scotiabank requiring to redo the application from scratch. David made even more mistakes by omitting over 50% of my income on the application which resulted in Scotiabank forcing me to liquidate over $220k in stocks increasing my tax bill by over $100k at the very last minute.
All of their mistakes almost led to missing the closing date and losing my property.
I personally talked to TD myself after closing and was able to get a mortgage directly from TD at a better rate and higher amount (1.25% $1.565 million) but I have to pay the penalty ($7,000) to discharge the bad mortgage from Scotiabank to switch TD.
Olympic mortgage is now refusing to take any responsibility for the damages their negligent actions caused.
David LIED saying they will use the commissions (over $14k) they received from the deal to make up for the mistakes they made but they have paid me $0 and they kept all the commissions.
5 different mortgage specialists at TD I talked to said they have no idea what these mortgage brokers did that led to TD rejecting my application. Even before working with these mortgage brokers, I already had a conventional 20% down preapproval from TD.
So what did I get for working with these mortgage brokers?
2 weeks of incredible stress and almost losing the property, $7,000 of penalties/fees to discharge the bad mortgage terms they got me, $100,000+ increased tax bill for 2021, a worse mortgage rate of 1.35%, a worse amount of $1.495 million, having to pay for the appraisal which they said they would reimburse

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