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791 Station Ave
V9B 0E6 Victoria
British Columbia

(250) 881-4645

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
12:00 PM - 00:00 AM
Open 0-24
12:00 AM - 06:00 AM
09:00 AM - 03:00 AM
09:00 AM - 06:00 AM
12:00 PM - 09:00 AM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Sophie Brunt 08.03.2022
This was my first sugaring experience (I'd been waxed before) and signed up for a Brazillian. Melody seemed to be in a rush despite my early arrival and didn't get me to sign a consent form or walk me through the process. While sugaring, she didn't pull my skin taught, creating a lot more unnecessary pain. As I said, she seemed rushed and did not stop for any breaks, and seemed to lack compassion for the obvious pain and discomfort, especially considering it had been quite a while since I'd had any hair removal services.
I left with patchy, bleeding skin and a rash that lasted for days.
I've since been to West Coast Botanical Sugaring Spa numerous where I've had much more attentive estheticians, a fraction of the pain, and considerably less irritation following the appointment.

I like to think that I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, however, this happened in September and I am still bothered by it.

Definitely worth the extra $10 to go to West Coast Botanical Sugaring Spa.

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