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1718 Byland Rd #3
V1Z 1A9 West Kelowna
British Columbia

(250) 769-4910

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Brian Johnson 18.01.2024

Not shocked this business closed its doors because the service and service was disgraceful.I had left a very positive review a couple of years ago for this company when they replaced our pumps supporting local business as I always try to do.
I liked Jerry the owner and I hate being negative now.
However I now have a completely unusable hot tub due to what my family and I believe was negligent service last winter and we can not afford to replace it.
We had replaced our main heater for the tub with them and it stopped working during the beginning of the winter season but long before low temperatures.
We booked them to come out three times on a row and each time they cancelled or bumped us so that by the time they did come out the temperatures dropped and our hot tub froze!
We put a plug in space heater inside at their suggestion and waited for them to come only to be bumped again on the day because someone with a pool took priority over us we were told for blowing out.
So when they finally winterized it the pipes had cracked and now we don’t have our tub which we can not afford to replace.
I really wish they had done the right thing and offer to repair the cracked pipe or pipes which may have been relatively easy but sadly there was no offer to repair the pipes we were just told it was weather and old tub.
The brand new heater they installed just weeks before was still under warranty and caused the original problem by shutting off but that was never addressed.
Had they diagnosed the heater issue when I booked them prior to the temperature drop none of this would have happened.
Can not recommend this business to anyone and that’s very disappointing to say but my $17000 hot tub is broken due to them canceling on us four times over many weeks in winter!!!
It takes a great deal for me to be negative about any local business as I have one myself but in this case their customer support caused hardship for my family.
I even recommended them prior to this to my friend who then purchased a brand new tub from them only to have months of issues themselves which they told me was also not handled well
Fred 19.05.2023
This is the worst company. There is no experience what so ever in the company and the lady running it it the worst to try and deal with. This place has been the worst experience ever

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