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Jacquie Wonnacott 26.01.2023
Very good
Both my boys have going to Dr. Chow since birth...and their half sister for 16 years. He is incredibly patient, understanding and so kind. He genuinely cares about his patients and their families. There were so many times I had a question and I would call thinking I had to go in to get the answer like most other doctors would, but he would take time out of his day to get on the phone with me right away, and if he happened to be busy he would call me back right away. He explains things in way that was easy to understand and also calmed my nerves when I thought something was serious. There aren't even enough stars here for Dr. chow. He's the best doctor I've ever dealt with! His secretary is just as amazing as him. Thank you for all you two do!! It has made a world of difference in our lives!

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