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(204) 772-4793

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Recent reviews on Yably

Timothy Trent Oly 16.01.2023
Look under Rhonda Feaks,Mikhail Feaks, Rhonda Lemky, and her failed run for election in the states, or the welfare scam in russia. Believe me when i tell you, it becomes a horror show, and then you see the tenants and community that somehow survive around her its ridiculous, all the people there are beyond amazing, kind, and always there for each other... only to have to be faced day to day with an absolute feckless personality whom attacked a boy in hospital then stole thousands in the name of god....
Timothy Trent Oly 15.01.2023
I often worry about the tenants of this place as, "maureen" has changed her name so many times over the years, been kicked out of 4 continents for her insistence on hiring known sexual offenders, criminals, and sidekicks. The fact that several of her associates have been arrested, and charged in many Childrens abuse cases,Identity theft, medical malpractice, elder abuse, child bride scams, lewd acts with a vulnerable person in their care, and defamation of survivors that its become a difficult tight rope. I myself am a victim whom she slandered, attacked on the street and has threatened the safety of my friends,family, and those i have cared for. When confronted with this she brings up a little boy i knew as a child and says that she will use his blood and harm another..... seriously how can she be allowed to be around anyone who is in need of care?!

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