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1000 St Anne's Rd
R2N 0A5 Winnipeg

(204) 253-7186

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

livewireca Source: Cylex | 17.12.2013
I have a long story regarding the lack of support for their products that I will cut short to get my point across. Despite numerous complaints regarding mis-operation, we were told our hot tub worked fine. We took it upon ourselves to do the technical troubleshooting and had to get the manufacturer involved in order to get Oasis to repair the problem. I have also just recently experienced a minor leak in the control cabinet. The hot tub is less than a year old (so full warranty still) and we will be billed for any travel as well as any extra time to drain the hot tub. Of course we are responsible for all of the chemical costs for having to refill and balance the hot tub when they are done. When we decided to just get the job done and suffer those costs we were surprised yet again when Oasis informs us that they don’t want to honor the warranty or do any service work for us. What?! So they sell a product that comes with years of warranty that they do not honor. Who runs a business this way? I should have listened closer to the rumors that they modify the customer reviews on their own website to make them appear better than they actually are. Really good support – dealing with anyone else is the better way to go.
AG Pool Source: Cylex | 18.05.2012
From start to finish Oasis has been difficult to deal with and I should have cancelled the transaction when I had the chance. Cheaper isn't always better. Their crews don't know wht they are doing when installing and leave a huge mess and damage to deal with a s well. They figure things will be fine if you throw a store credit at it. Their sales people are completely incompeptent and made mistakes through the entire transactions that required numerous add-ons at our cost that wasn't part of the original quote.

I woiuld go somewhere else as there are plenty of other pool dealers in Winnipeg
Kim Wasylyk Source: Cylex | 08.05.2012
Had a terrible experience in 2011. Very unprofessional and crew were not trained properly. We are still dealing with the mess they left us.

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