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101 – 1383 Pembina Highway
R3T 2B9 Winnipeg

(204) 808-9860

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Janet Pietracci 18.10.2023
If you are of sound mind do not move to any of their properties. You will need to produce your proof of lobotomy as one is not allowed to complain if any issues in your apartment they will lie and gaslight you. My shower drain overflowed with raw sewage and have lived with sewer odour for over a year before they actually called a plumber but only after filing with the RTB. My blinds snapped off however I am required to pay for them as they stated that said blinds were not made for cold weather so no opening windows people. I have had my power blown more times than I can count and today off for ~nine hours. Hard for disabled people to climb five flights of stairs so many residents stuck out of their paid apartments. Kate, Emma et Al will literally lie straight up. I had to endure two months of balcony repair’s with construction workers boom box seranading me and strange men constantly on my balcony. I never would have signed the lease if I had been informed of this. They also attempted to force a rent hike months before lease was up and when I questioned this was told they could do what they wanted. I made sure that they indeed could not legally do this. My thoughts are that if you happen to move into their property your doctor will end up putting you on antidepressants and blood pressure medication. I am moving at months end and feel really bad for the person who rents the unit I am leaving. I ended up purchasing a home as so traumatized by my whole situation

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