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(204) 995-5739

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Recent reviews on Yably

Frank Castle 16.10.2022
have moved several times due to my profession and have used several different moving companies. I emailed this company asking specifically for a quote and told them the max amount I was able to pay. Jon called me and we discussed what needed to be moved and he gave me a verbal quote and I again told him the max I was able to spend. He agreed this was doable.
As others have stated, I found some of the movers wasted time. They also put a dresser mirror on top of our antique dresser without notifying us that it wasn’t attached (previous movers included this when moving us). The mirror fell on my wife’s shoulder and smashed on the floor.
When all was said and done, the movers did not ask to take back boxes so we could save money and the bill was $2000 over the verbally quoted amount. When I emailed them about this they said I should be grateful they deducted some money for gas and mileage. The reason why we went with them in the first place instead of someone local is because they agreed to our max amount. They also didn’t move everything they were supposed to. I do not recommend and would not use them again. Their customer service was poor when we brought up the fact that their bill was $2000 more than quoted and they do not honour their word. Make sure you get everything in writing if you want a quote.
Jackie Dowswell 04.03.2022
Very good
I would like to say Martin and Steven were such awesome movers. They made my move so non stressful. I would totally recommend both of the guys and definitely use SHORTLINE again. Good job guys u r the best😊

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