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T3B 0E2 Calgary

(403) 286-9190

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c C (frenchy) 15.02.2023
So here was my experience with the Emilio guy we talked for months and then it was a memorial piece I needed to get done you flaked on me once then he almost flaked on me the second time then he told me he was going to do the piece for free and I told him no way man I pay my way so I paid him for the cover up of a gun on my arm which all I did was scribble over the gun basically it's just blackened out basically and it's supposed to be a Taz I don't normally do this kind of s*** but I got to say this no wonder you touch other people's cover-ups cuz what I got was garbage I thought you were a cool guy man and I see you spitting in the garbage and I see all dirty to places plugs f****** everywhere bathroom is dirty as f*** music was blasting I told the guy I had PTSD for being in the military you got people coming in and out of the room chair was super uncomfortable so now I got a tattoo on me of a memorial piece to boot of a fallen brother that I got to go get retouched up now cuz of his f****** claiming he's all Christian and s*** and whatever man people that act like that or f****** running from something or whatever it's pretty sad man that your word is s*** I try to contact you numerous times you ducked me I was super polite at the beginning then you just f****** deleted my number or whatever you did or off Instagram I wasn't even able to comment on my tattoo so that explains a lot the tattoo owners cool chick that works there's cool but that guy man f*** go elsewhere man don't waste your money straight up not sure what I'm going to do here I wish I could post a picture of this but oh yeah not to mention two tubes of antibiotic cream for my doctor f****** thing got so infected never had a tattoo like this in my life man take this long to heal it's still healing and it's been almost a month never in my life have I ever had a tattoo take longer than a week to heal and this is my second tube I've gone through of antibiotic cream which I'm going to go get another one tomorrow one thing my uncle always said cheap tattoos will be expensive cover-ups or removals stay away man I'm warning you or get them on a good day because his appearance is like disgusting it's breast stunk smoking weed on his vape f****** I just wanted to get the f*** out of there man didn't think he was going to do this to me though it could have gone so differently Emilio you're a bad businessman dude you don't stand behind your product my dad was a painter and any time there was deficiencies man you stood by his product and he went back and painted the f****** s*** whether it was a tradesman that came behind him and damaged the wall my old man took care of it you don't stand behind your product

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