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1830 52 St SE
T2B 1N1 Calgary

(403) 457-4828

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12:00 PM - 07:00 PM
12:00 PM - 07:00 PM
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沈法源 08.10.2022
Larkin Jamias: let this be a public service announcement to be aware of this man and his business.

The owner and lead artist of Flipside Tattoos, Mr. Jamias is a poor representation of small business owners’ and is nothing more than a pint-sized thug. This review should serve as guidance to avoid his shop, and his dangerous and despicable behaviour at all costs.

This man is a predatory loose cannon and you do not want to be in a position of being under his needle when he decides to lose control of himself. I had paid Larkin to do work for me in the past, and attempted to separate the artist from the art. However, had I known his tattooing ability lie solely in executing the tattoo on appointment day, and not in the simple listening and communication skills required to bring the client’s idea to life, I would have gone elsewhere.

Obliviously unaware that his clientele will wear ink on their skin for the rest of their lives, Mr. Jamias attempts to strongarm clients with brutish bully tactics, and ridicule to squeeze out an expensive product for the least amount of effort on his part as possible. He provides mock ups mere days before and berates clients that disagree with elements of his designs. As a client paying thousands of dollars to entrust him with my skin, I am appalled and disgusted by the repugnant communication and behaviour displayed by him during the lead up to my tattoo session.

I had recently disagreed with a portion of my tattoo mock provided by him over Instagram. What ensued as a result was nothing short of shocking, as I was met with personal insults and threats from a man with the vernacular of an uneducated thug, that overcompensates for his lack of stature with big ego and hostile attitude. As a paying customer, and functioning human being, I have never felt so disrespected by a business owner. I attempted to engage in verbal discourse with Mr. Jamias via phone after receiving his Instagram message. What awaited on the other end of the call can only be categorized as unsophisticated, unacceptable behaviour; Listening to his homophobic, and offensive tirade against me was almost embarrassing. He peppered more threats and hurled insults towards me while shouting at the top of his lungs, confirming that volume and textbook bigotry were his only tools of communication. Sad.

1/5 stars. Mr. Jamias needs to learn how to respect others, and how to emotionally regulate. You provide a service. Clients should feel safe in their interactions with local businesses. Threatening people, let alone clientele, is not a good look. The only thing more painful than the tattoo was dealing with his lack of EQ, IQ, and professionalism. Avoid this shop and save yourself the peace of mind. Due to Google/Facebook Review posting policies, screenshots cannot be shared. Screenshots of our chat can be found on other review sites that allow such content, or be requested.

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