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5404 Gateway Blvd NW
T6H 1B7 Edmonton

(780) 244-4999

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Donna Cumming 10.06.2023
im sure not impressed my car just came from shop and it left me in very bad postion it shut donwn at set of lights i had to get towed to monas
Jennifer Peach Source: Cylex | 03.05.2020
IF YOU BUY FROM HERE, YOU'RE BUYING AN IMPROPERLY INSPECTED VEHICLE FROM A DEALERSHIP THAT DOES IT PURPOSELY!!! Should be zero stars and SHUTDOWN! How your business is still running ceases to amaze me. Oh mona, I can appreciate your idea of helping people, but you, you are nothing short of untruthful. How can you have a soul knowing you could potentially KILL someone (or heaven forbid a family) the way you run your dealership! Your "hard time" in the industry isn't because you're a girl, it's because of the shady business you run! I have PROOF and proper authority backing me on this. Yes she uses her mechanic to write off on vehicles she sells. Yes she lies right to your face without a wince of care, even after being asked if there's any other problems with the vehicle. Yes she ghosts, until she gets under AMVICs radar; pretty sad they know you as well as they do mona, tisk tisk. Not even hours after buying my vehicle from mona in April 2020 I instantly had nothing but problems! When I tried to confront her she completely ghosted me (still to this day)! She wouldn't own up till she heard from AMVIC. Like in many cases I've looked into. You'll get a special kinda karma, lying to people's faces like you do. I just hope it's before you end up selling a vehicle that kills, let's face it, you're well on your way in that direction! Don't trust the positive reviews, there's so many more people that have been mislead by sweetheart motors, mona and her staff! Do I have your attention now mona?! Cuz I'm not done yet hahahaha!

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