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770 Silver Seven Rd
K2V 0A1 Kanata

(613) 270-5550

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10:00 AM - 08:30 PM
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10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

David Baril 18.11.2022
We needed to add insulation to our attic of house so we decided to hire Costco who subcontract it out. We thought we would be getting a Company that Costco has verified as a trustworthy quality company. We though Costco would help and protect us if insulation company did us wrong.
Instead we got an insulation company that put too much insulation in the attic that air ventilation was very poor if any. Also they lied saying they added baffles to every joist, I could only see 4 baffles that were useless because some were blocked. This resulted in leaking bathroom roof, multiple nail pops throughout the roof and maybe mould starting. Costco has stopped using this insulation company.
We have a leaking roof since March 2022. It is November 9th 2022 and we still have a hole in bathroom ceiling and a roof that leaks with winter coming. I am not one bit surprised; no contact has been attempted by Costco. Throughout the summer Costco kept saying “we will escalate it” and then we do not hear from them. At the end of August Costco’s insurance company contacts us. Not very help full. We are doing all the work, trying to communicate and settle with the insulation company that has damaged our house. As result of damage done by Insulation Company that insulated out house attic we expect them to pay for removing the insulation, test for mould, remove mould if any, redo insulation, repair bathroom ceiling, replace roof. This cost is expected to be very high (too high for small claims court) and so far they have offered to pay a small amount. We had to hire a forensic engineer to prove the damage they have caused and the report did so. I suspect we will need to hire lawyer after we get the report from engineer. The costs to repair damage so far is over $38,000This is very stressful for my wife and me.
If anyone is thinking about using Costco for home kind of home service, think again. They will help you for small items but if you have a major problem you are basically on your own.
Also the new insulation company Costco is using do not answer your email or phone calls most times, so you might want to read reviews about that company if dare use them through Costco.
I files compliant with BBB and Costco does not respond as I expected.

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