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Contact info

601 10 Ave Se
V1E 4N6 Salmon Arm
British Columbia

(250) 833-3600

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24
Open 0-24

Recent reviews on Yably

Eveline G 20.08.2023
ABSOLUTELY terrible service. If you need medical help take the time to drive to Vernon or Kelowna. Doctors in Salmon Arm are under staffed and uneducated.
Valerie McCausland 16.05.2022
As a retired nurse I am very disappointed with the treatment my 70 year husband experienced at the Shuswap Lake Hospital in Salmon Arm while having a colonoscopy. He had an appointment for 9:45am. . He had to prepare 24 hours an advance and had to get up at 4 am. finish his preparation for the procedure. He arrived on time for his appointment but had to wait for 5 hours as he got repeatedly bumped from his colonoscopy by other patients some of who, did not seem to be an emergency. He was told by the head nurse Paula that they did not have the instrument to do his procedure which I find to be a dubious excuse as his colonoscopy was booked by the doctor several weeks prior to his appointment. We live 40 minutes away from Salmon Arm and I had to five him in and had to wait from 9:45 am. until 5 pm. . There is no way that someone should have to wait 5 hours for his appointment. It was very poor treatment by the head nurse and staff for someone following doctor’s orders and requiring this procedure for possible diagnosis of cancer or other disease. I will not hesitate to offer this incident to friends, family or those who deal with this hospital.

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