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Contact info

5517 Hazeldean Rd
K2S 0P5 Stittsville

(613) 831-7766

Opening hours

Hours may differ - changed a while ago
09:30 AM - 08:30 PM
09:30 AM - 08:30 PM
09:30 AM - 08:30 PM
09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
09:30 AM - 08:30 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Christina Howard 08.12.2021
Very good
Khalil is an amazing hairstylist, I go in and I ask him to do what I want and I come out looking even better. He knows his colours. I totally recommend Khalil as a colourist.
Exe Daxbus Pixna Source: Cylex | 03.05.2016
My daughter had her hair trimmed, highlights and a toner and she was charged $243.00 and she had to pay cash. It was the worst job ever done and their prices are outrageous. I would not recommend this place to my worst enemy!!! Be ware of the hairdresser prices vs the salon prices!!!
Wus Tedgab Daxus Source: Cylex | 20.01.2016
November 2015 I went to have my hair colored (dark brown) and add partial highlights (blonde). The hairdresser did not do the highlights properly, I had caramel stripes in my hair instead of blonde highlights. Hairdresser said I could come back the same week and she would redo the blonde highlights. The second time around they were better and I was a happy customer but she still charged $250. Went back in January 2016 to have my roots touched up with the blonde, instead of the hairdresser doing blonde highlights for the root touch up, she did the dark so now I had dark roots. As she blow dried my hair I asked her where all my blonde hair went, she said "you wanted your roots done" I said yes but the blonde, not so I can have dark roots, didn't make sense to me. The worst part of all of this is I was there for just over 4 hours and still had to pay $250 (same price I paid to have highlight put in from scratch, touch up should have been cheaper per their website pricing). I called back a couple of days later to express how unhappy I was with my hair and the price and they did nothing about it, would not refund me a scent. She did said I can go back and next time and she won't charge me for the highlights (for some reason I still think I will end up paying $250) NO THANK YOU. I will NOT go back. Word of advice, ask for a price before they do your hair, nails etc. Prices seem to change randomly.

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