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254 Queens Quay W
M5J 2N3 Toronto

(416) 901-9858

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Hours may differ - changed a while ago
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
11:00 AM - 06:00 PM

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Recent reviews on Yably

Pooja 21.08.2022
This is the worst place to ever to. The lady tried to cut my finger and when I told her it's hurting, she accused me and started yelling at me in her vietnamese accent and she wasn't even sorry about it. I went there to get change of nail paint done. Firstly their wait times are absolutely horrible. I waited for a never ending duration and I was never told how much time it would take.
The staff is highly unprofessional and one of the ladies is just a mean bi***. After 1 hour of wait, I got to my turn, and the lady started removing my previous nail
Paint with a machine. She ran the machine 4 times over my actual skin which hurt me so badly. When I said that it's hurting me and I would like to get it done by a different lady, she not only not tried to understand my unconcern and acknowledge her mistake, instead she had the audacity of yelling at me, accused me of moving my hand and shouted at me so badly. She is so uneducated, Ill-mannered bi*** and has no sympathy for customers. I was literally sitting still without moving at all and making sure I don't get hurt again, but I thought she will realize she is hurting me and will apologize to for me it and try to fix the situation. Instead that Ill-cultured, poor mannered, egotistical lady jerked my hand, yelled at me and waisted 1 hour of my waiting. This is a pathetic customer experience and I would never want to visit this place again. Honestly people just come to this place because of the location and lack of competition in this area, so they have no choice or option to go to a better place, but otherwise their services are sub par and totally not worth the money. They are always out of stock and don't care about buying good quality products.
I don't know why anybody would go to this place unless you want to get your nails ruined for excessive price.
I literally hate this place and their pathetic staff. I have been getting nails done for last 10 years but this is the first time when a customer is treated so badly and there is no manager insight to offer any relief. This is how that pathetic lady left my nail.
Please save your money, nails and skin and go somewhere else

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